
Appearances Matter

Appearances Matter

OfCounselTN understands the difficulty in finding quality local collections representation for your smaller dockets throughout the state of Tennessee. We also know that you and your clients don't want just anyone representing your collection interests in court. That is why all of our associated attorneys are experienced, licensed, insured, Tennessee Attorneys who have limited their practices to representing creditors throughout Tennessee. Your time is valuable, and you can't be everywhere at once.

Let us help.


Our attorneys are experienced in civil collections matters, and are familiar with the courts in which they appear. They are as comfortable resolving matters through conversations with consumers as they are protecting your interests at hearing or trial.


We understand that your clients need resolution of their cases in a timely fashion. That is why we focus on returning court results as quickly as possible., usually within two business days. So you and your clients can get back to doing your job.


All of our appearing attorneys are licensed in the State of Tennessee and focus their practices on debtor/creditor law. They remain up-to-date on the relevant legal and regulatory issues and are all properly insured, so you can trust you are in good hands.